(Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, United States, 2019-09-26)
Eleftherakis, George; Lazarova, Milena; Aleksieva-Petrova, Adelina; Tasheva, Antonya
Welcome to the 9th Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI'2019) held at the Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, from 26th to 28th September 2019. Each two years the BCI series of conferences provide a forum for discussions and dissemination of research accomplishments in computer science and information technologies, promote interaction and collaboration among scientists from the Balkan countries and the rest of the world and encourage involvement of young researchers from the region. The 9th Balkan conference in informatics (BCI'2019) continues the tradition of BCI conferences held in Skopje (2017), Craiova (2015), Thessaloniki (2013), Novi Sad (2012), Thessaloniki (2009), Sofia (2007), Ohrid (2005), and Thessaloniki (2003).